Learn about October 21 Horoscope Famous: Discover the most famous with October 21 Horoscope and Birthdays & Numerology, Astrology from Famous Day.

October 21 Horoscope

Being a Libra born on October 21st, you are known for your social and loyal nature. While others may prefer to be alone, you are most alive in a social setting. You are energized by others and enjoy to share your thoughts and feelings openly. Your friends, family and coworkers enjoy your clever communication, but may appreciate your loyalty the most. Despite any disagreement, your loved ones will always be able to depend on you.

Your paired element is air and as a Libra, you are the only zodiac sign with a fundamental connection to the element. Air's influence makes you as active as flowing wind, which is reflected in your constant curiosity. When something becomes of interest to you, your winds blow with more focus and you become determined to gain knowledge and understanding. Embracing these qualities will play a key role in future success, but be weary of air's less active influences, which include an unemotional and socially distant state.

Your sign's planetary ruler is Venus, but as you were born in the third Decan, or part, of the sign, you also receive planetary influence from Mercury. While Venus's influence is seen in your sociability and desire for cooperation, Mercury's mysterious powers connect to your mental agility and innate ability to communicate. Your unique planetary influences combine to make you more analytically driven than the other Libra Decans. Although you are on a lifelong quest for understanding, allow your emotions to play an equal role in your decision process. You will find the most fulfillment from a life balanced between intellectual pursuits and close, loving relationships.

Finding the perfect career is often daunting, but you should take refuge in knowing that your natural abilities will allow for success in a variety of careers. Your social intelligence would be well-served for careers such as public relations, promotion or advertising. Similarly, your analytical mind would be a good fit for a career in science, research or higher education. Your interests may align well with a career in law as a lawyer or judge, which was the path of Judge Judy Sheindlin, who was also born on October 21st. In whichever career you choose, make the best out of your opportunities, much like Kim Kardashian, another of your celebrity birthday twins.

The Sabian Symbol for your birthday is mankind's vast and enduring effort to reach for knowledge transferable from generation to generation. You enjoy the passion and raw qualities of life, but you have an inner thirst for knowledge. Embrace your intellectual vision, as this will bring you the greatest satisfaction.

Here are a few Libra celebrities born on October 21 and their past or present romantic connections:

Carrie Fisher (Libra) and Paul Simon (Libra)
Kim Kardashian (Libra) and Kanye Westwick (Gemini)

October 21 is associated with Birthday Number 4
October 21 is associated with Tarot Card 4 of Swords