Learn about October 18 Horoscope Famous: Discover the most famous with October 18 Horoscope and Birthdays & Numerology, Astrology from Famous Day.

October 18 Horoscope

As a Libra born on October 18th, you are well known for your social, analytical and loyal nature. While others prefer to be alone, you thrive in a social setting. Your are excited with the prospect of finding new and clever ways to share your thoughts with friends, peers and coworkers. Your loved ones appreciate your intelligence and thoughtfulness but they probably love you most for your loyalty. As you greatly value reliability in your relationships, you put great effort to being a dependable person.

Your sign's paired element is air and out of all the zodiac signs, you are the only one to have a cardinal relationship to the element. Air's influence can be witnessed in the curiosity that constantly stirs inside you like a strong wind. Your "winds" seem to blow with even more purpose as you work to pursue knowledge and understanding. These active qualities of air give you the invaluable qualities of being an initiator and self-start. However, if you fail to avoid the stagnant qualities of air, you run the risk of becoming emotionally and socially distant.

The Libra's planetary ruler is Venus, but as you were born in the third Decan, or part, of the sign, you also receive a helping of Mercury's mysterious powers. Venus can most easily be described as the planet of harmony, which explains for your cooperative nature. In the same light, the power of Mercury can be described as the planet of communication. Mercury influences you in the realm of agile thinking and cleverness. These planets combine to make you more analytical than the other Libra Decans. Your pursuits of knowledge and understanding will always be a part of your life, as acquiring meaning gives your life purpose. Luckily, your intellectual pursuits wont completely dominate your life, as you also have a great value for close, loyal relationships. Take care to find a partner that also values stability, as this will bring you the most fulfillment in love.

Your naturally sharp mind and communication abilities will be a good fit for numerous career paths. If your analytical pursuits seem the most appealing, a career in science, research, or higher education may be rewarding. You may find fulfillment by dedicating yourself to a cause as a fund-raiser, promoter or salesperson. The world of entertainment may be appealing, which was the path of Zac Efron, who was also born on October 18th. In whichever career you choose, let the versatility and dedication of Peter Boyle, another of your celebrity birthday twins, inspire you.

The Sabian Symbol for your birthday is an eagle and a large white dove turning into one another. It is important to realize that the will and heart should not be in conflict, but instead they should be in cooperation. If there is an issue in life where your inner workings are in disarray, you should put effort into finding balance.

Here are a few Libra celebrities born on October 18 and their past or present romantic connections:

Zac Efron (Libra) and Vanessa Hudgens (Sagittarius)
Pam Dawber (Libra) and Mark Harmon (Virgo)

October 18 is associated with Birthday Number 1
October 18 is associated with Tarot Card 4 of Swords