Learn about March 18 Horoscope Famous: Discover the most famous with March 18 Horoscope and Birthdays & Numerology, Astrology from Famous Day.

March 18 Horoscope

Being a Pisces born on March 18th, your personality is defined by an experimental and passionate nature. While there are plenty of people who shy away from new experiences or situations, you are not among them. You have a truly adventurous spirit that will allow you to try anything once. As a result of your varied interests, you have gone through numerous phases of self expression. You take to all of life's matters with intensity and passion. This is especially true when your loved ones are concerned, as you will wholeheartedly dedicate your times and efforts to your friends and family.

Your sign's elemental pair is water and as a Pisces, you have the only mutable connection with water of all the zodiac signs. Your special elemental relationship allows your words to take on the fluid and adaptable qualities of flowing water. More so, it is water's influence that puts you at ease on the deep, rocky oceans of emotion. As you continue to embrace water's positive influence, your compassion and emotional understanding will grow. Be weary of water's negative qualities however, which include overly emotional states.

Neptune is the planetary ruler of the Pisces, but as you were born in the third Decan, or part, of the sign, you also receive a generous dose of Pluto's planetary power. While Neptune's power can be credited with your sensitive and compassionate qualities, it is Pluto's influence that links to your need for regeneration and transformation. Your unique combination of planetary influences makes you the most spiritual of all the Pisces Decans. The depths of your mind are inhabited with questions of spirituality and existence. Finding life's meaning will always be one of your greatest challenges, but embrace the journey to understanding. In especially tough times, follow your strong intuition, as it is one of your greatest assets. In love, find a partner that shares in your spirituality and passion, as this will bring you the most happiness.

There are many factors in finding the right career, but you are lucky enough to have natural abilities that will give you several opportunities to explore. Compassionate, you may take to people based careers, such as teaching, counseling or social work. Similarly, you may take to a career in artistic expression, if you continue to develop your sensitivity and gifts for communication. If you are musically inclined, you may be a talented lyricist, which was the case for Adam Levine and Queen Latifah, who both share your March 18th birthday.

The Sabian Symbol for your birthday is a fertile garden under the full moon. This symbol is a reference to abundance. You are fortunate in your life and are satisfied in all of your basic needs. Take time to appreciate this fact.

Here are a few Pisces celebrities born on March 18 and their past or present romantic connections:

Adam Levine (Pisces) and Jessica Simpson (Cancer)
Queen Latifah (Pisces) and Lonnie Common Lynn (Pisces)

March 18 is associated with Birthday Number 11
March 18 is associated with Tarot Card 10 of Cups