Learn about June 25 Horoscope Famous: Discover the most famous with June 25 Horoscope and Birthdays & Numerology, Astrology from Famous Day.

June 25 Horoscope

As a Cancer born on June 25th, you are creative, sensitive and in-tune with emotions. While you witness other people struggle with empathy and compassion, those abilities are actually your greatest strengths. You find great fulfillment in tending to the emotional needs of others, which makes you extremely generous. These qualities make you an indispensable friend.

Water is your paired element and as a Cancer, you actually have the most cardinal relationship with the element. You are rarely overtaken by waves of emotion, but instead ride them with deep understanding. You are quick to help those less capable than yourself and in fact, feel most secure when doing so. Embrace the positive qualities of water, but make sure not to get lost in your emotions, which makes you moody and unstable.

Your sign is ruled by the Moon and because you were born in the first Decan, or part, of the sign, the planetary influence of the moon is twice as strong for you. The moon is mysterious and emotionally driven; it is the force that causes you to so readily act when others are in emotional distress. The double influence of the moon pushes your gifts of receptivity to the level of near psychic aptitude. With these gifts you have gained the unique ability to truly help others and to develop unparalleled closeness with loved ones. Be aware of the ill-effects of oversensitivity, as it can turn well-meaning gestures into smothering acts.

Your gift for compassion, paired with creativity create a variety of career paths, though it may be difficult to chose one. You may find great success sharing your emotions through writing, which was the path of George Orwell, who was also born on June 25th. You may be more musically inclined to express yourself, as was the case with Carly Simon, another of your birthday twins.

The Sabian Symbol for your birthday is an automobile wrecked by a train at a railroad crossing. You may soon be approaching a situation, where your individual will is met with stronger, societal forces that are out of your control. While it may be tempting to see this as a negative or defeating experience, it actually was a necessary one. It is important to realize and accept the elements of life that you are not immune to or above. Readjust yourself and avoid any further damaging behavior.

Here are a few Cancer celebrities born on June 25 and their past or present romantic connections:

Carly Simon (Cancer) and James Taylor (Pisces)
Busy Philipps (Cancer) and Colin Hanks (Sagittarius)

June 25 is associated with Birthday Number 4
June 25 is associated with Tarot Card 2 of Cups