Learn about June 17 Horoscope Famous: Discover the most famous with June 17 Horoscope and Birthdays & Numerology, Astrology from Famous Day.

June 17 Horoscope

Being a Gemini born on June 17th, you probably are accustomed to being called talkative. This is not by coincidence, as you are most excited while interacting with the world around you. Your mind can transform its private workings into useful group insight with ease. This ability is impressive to your friends, colleagues and peers, but has always felt natural to you. You've always noticed a distinct social power over others.

The Gemini sign is paired with the air element and you have actually have the most fluid connection with air out of all 12 zodiac signs. It is because of the influence of moving air that curiosity and a pursuit of knowledge seems to stir inside you constantly. Your interests are blown in a variety of directions and you have little choice but to follow them. In this way, the influence of air is one of the greatest contributors to your unique personality. You should be weary of the qualities of stagnant air, which can create an unemotional and aloof state.

The Gemini's ruling planet is Mercury, but because you are born in the third Decan, or part, of the sign, your personality also receives planetary influence from Uranus. While Mercury's influence is seen in your exceptional mental abilities, Uranus has an influence on your quest for originality. You realize that deviating from the norm isn't negative, but is instead a source of freedom and joy. The freedom, which you so actively use to pursue a wide range of seemingly unrelated topics is one of your greatest assets. However, if you are extremely reluctant to take focus, you may find it difficult to complete projects and tasks.

You may find it difficult to settle on a career path, but your charms and mental agility make success possible in a variety of careers. Careers such as business, public relations or marketing are all great fits for your quick mind and gifts for communication. On the other hand, you may want to embrace your originality through a creative outlet, such was the case of artist M.C. Escher, who was also born on June 17th. Whatever the field, find a focus that will keep your interest. Look to the dedication of Venus Williams for inspiration, who is another of your birthday twins.

The Sabian Symbol for your birthday is a man leaving court after being granted bankruptcy. Times come in life where it is necessary to free yourself from unmanageable burdens. You must realize that taking this action is not quitting, but it is instead the only way to become liberated from your past. Once you regather yourself, take on new challenges with an optimistic fervor.

Here are a few Gemini celebrities born on June 17 and their past or present romantic connections:

Lee Ryan (Gemini) and Liz McClaron (Aries)
Venus Williams (Gemini) and Hank Kuehne (Virgo)

June 17 is associated with Birthday Number 5
June 17 is associated with Tarot Card 10 of Swords