Learn about June 1 Horoscope Famous: Discover the most famous with June 1 Horoscope and Birthdays & Numerology, Astrology from Famous Day.

June 1 Horoscope

As a Gemini born on June 1st, your strengths are varied, but lie heavily in your ingenuity and ability to communicate. You look at the word outwardly and are excited by sampling new environments and people. While others may sometimes be at a loss for words, you never have this problem and are quick with witty observations. Your social talents make you a coveted friend and companion.

Being a Gemini, you are paired with the air element and have a very fluid relationship with it. Curiosity and a quest for knowledge often stir up inside you like a wind. When something peaks your interest, your mental energy blows strong. Be weary of the fact that if you don't embrace the active qualities of air, you can find yourself detached and distant.

The planet Mercury rules the Gemini sign, but because you are born in the second Decan, or part, of the sign, you are also influenced by the planet Venus. Mercury's influence of mental agility is met nicely with Venus's influence of harmony. Your keen ability to communicate matched with the powers of Venus also make you very charming. You find great satisfaction in being included in a group and often feel incomplete without this social energy. You may rely on your relationships heavily, which is not a problem as long as you take great care in selecting those close to you.

Your natural creativity makes it necessary for you to find a way to express yourself. Even if you don't quite think your charm and charisma are on the level of Marilyn Monroe, who was also born on June 1st, it does not mean you would not enjoy some form of performing. You may find more fulfillment leading others in a cause, which was the case for Birmingham Young, another of your birthday twins.

The Sabian Symbol for your birthday is a slave demanding her rights. It is important to realize how you are held back by your past and the way you have been conditioned. In order to move towards freedom of self, you must first be liberated from the past. Don't shy away from the task.

Here are a few Gemini celebrities born on June 1 and their past or present romantic connections:

Marilyn Monroe (Gemini) and Joe DiMaggio (Sagittarius)
Heidi Klum (Gemini) and Seal (Pisces)

June 1 is associated with Birthday Number 7
June 1 is associated with Tarot Card 9 of Swords