Learn about July 31 Horoscope Famous: Discover the most famous with July 31 Horoscope and Birthdays & Numerology, Astrology from Famous Day.

July 31 Horoscope

Being a Leo born on July 31st, you are most comfortable in a social setting. You love people and don't shy away from any chance to be the center of attention. Your social nature does not make you a follower however, as you are very independent. In fact, you are most comfortable as a leader, a fact that sometimes frustrates your family and friends, who may describe you as bossy. Luckily, you are such a warm and loving person that you are forgiven for your need to take charge.

Your paired element is fire and as Leo, you have a cardinal relationship with the element. The burning heat of fire is reflected in the passionate and energetic way that you approach life. You never back down from a challenge and work with great determination to meet your goals. Embracing these positive qualities of fire will be key for your success in life, but take care to avoid the impulsiveness and possible impatience that can also accompany fire.

The Sun is the ruling planet of your sign, but because you were born in the first Decan, or part, of the sign, you receive twice the Sun's planetary influence. The Sun's power manifests in individuality, ego and creativity, which explains why these traits are so heavily tied to your personality. You often find that you hate to rely on others, instead preferring to handle things yourself. You use your outgoing personality to disguise any insecurities you may possess, which is a social skill you take great pride in. Your inherent pride is one of your greatest assets, but it can become detrimental if you allow it to evolve into arrogance.

The combination of creativity and leadership will translate into success in a variety of professions. Fields such as business and advertising are perfect for your will and determination. If you are more inclined to artistic expression, your creativity may be well suited for writing, which was the path of J.K. Rowling, who was also born on July 31st. Your comforlabtiity with the center stage may be well suited for acting, which was the case with Wesley Snipes, another of your birthday twins.

The Sabian Symbol for your birthday is early morning dew sprinkled as sunlight hits a field. You may have recently experienced, or will soon be experiencing, a difficult trial or challenge. Although you will experience stress, it is important to keep your inner strength and faith. Remember that once you overcome your obstacles, you will experience inner peace and warmth.

Here are a few Leo celebrities born on July 31 and their past or present romantic connections:

Wesley Snipes (Leo) and Jennifer Lopez (Leo)
Alexis Knapp (Leo) and Ryan Phillippe (Virgo)

July 31 is associated with Birthday Number 11
July 31 is associated with Tarot Card 5 of Wands