Learn about December 18 Horoscope Famous: Discover the most famous with December 18 Horoscope and Birthdays & Numerology, Astrology from Famous Day.

December 18 Horoscope

Being a Sagittarius born on December 18th, your charisma and risk taking define you. With people you are warm, friendly and clever. These appealing qualities are met well with your comfort being the center of attention. Although others may enjoy your warm social qualities, you are admired for your fearless pursuit of success. If you feel the reward is worthwhile, you do not mind risking complete failure. These combined qualities have made you popular with your peers and coworkers throughout your life.

Your elemental pair is fire and as a Sagittarius, you have the only mutable connection with fire of all the zodiac signs. Fire's connection with your personality makes you adaptable and changeable, much like a wild flame. When confronted with a challenge or goal you have created for yourself, fire's influence allows you to push towards success with great passion and enthusiasm. Fire's determined qualities will be amongst your greatest strengths in life, but be careful to avoid the weakness of impatience and impulsiveness.

Jupiter is the ruling planet of your sign, but as you were born in the third Decan, or part, of the sign, you are also subject to the planetary influence of the Sun. While Jupiter can be credited with your strong sense of adventure, it is the Sun that drives your willpower and individuality. These two planets combine to make you more of a natural showman than the other Sagittarius Decans. You love admiration, attention and praise, which explains why you will work so hard to receive them. Without an audience, you do not have the motivation to shine and shining is what you do best! In life and love, surround yourself with individuals who share in your outgoing and adventurous personality. Although you may benefit from a partner that is a bit more cautious than yourself, or at least more calculated in their risks.

While selecting a career path is a difficult challenge, your natural abilities create a variety of career options for you to explore. Your gifts of fortitude and communication could do well in demanding careers like advertising, business, sales and media. If intellectual interests are more appealing, you may do well in a career in education, writing or research. Your need for excitement could make the world of entertainment too appealing to ignore, which was the case of Brad Pitt, who was also born on December 18th. In whichever career you choose, display the creativity and vision of Steven Spielberg, another of your celebrity birthday twins.

The Sabian Symbol for your birthday is a sculptor at work. You have the ability to transform vision into a material reality. This symbol encourages you to find a permanent means of self-expression, because a strong relationship with your vision can bring great understanding.

Here are a few Sagittarius celebrities born on December 18 and their past or present romantic connections:

Brad Pitt (Sagittarius) and Angelina Jolie (Gemini)
Katie Holmes (Sagittarius) and Tom Cruise (Cancer)

December 18 is associated with Birthday Number 3
December 18 is associated with Tarot Card 10 of Wands