Learn about August 2 Horoscope Famous: Discover the most famous with August 2 Horoscope and Birthdays & Numerology, Astrology from Famous Day.

August 2 Horoscope

Being a Leo born on August 2nd, you are known for your optimism, sense of humor and inspiring personality. You love being the center of attention, as it allows you to entertain others with your whit and natural charms. Your friends appreciate this quality greatly, but may love you even more for you optimism. When dealing with any situation or person, you can find the positives.

Fire is your paired element, and as Leo, you are the only zodiac sign with a cardinal relationship with the element. As though powered by an undying flame, you tackle challenges with passion and enthusiasm. Your flame rarely falters, as you remain confident in almost any scenario you find yourself in. Embracing these qualities of fire will be key for you life successes. Be aware of fire's negative influences, which include impatience, impulsiveness and egotism.

The Sun is the ruling planet of your sign, but because you were born in the second Decan, or part, of the sign, you receive planetary influence from Jupiter as well. The Sun is directly linked to your individuality, willpower and creativity, while Jupiter's influence is reflected in your generosity, optimism and pursuit of knowledge. Your planetary influences pair nicely to form your great appreciation from life. You take every chance to learn from the world around you and apply an optimistic outlook to everything you encounter. As you continue to interact the worlds with optimism and creativity, you will be amazed with the luck that finds your way.

Your sociability and creativity create a long list of potential careers. You have the potential to be very successful in people-focused careers such as lecturing, negotiation or sales. Your abilities as a natural entertainer may translate well to the arts. Look to the lovable comedy of Carroll O'Connor and the respected acting of Petter O'Toole, who were also born on August 2nd, for encouragement.

The Sabian Symbol for your birthday is children playing on a swing that hangs from a large oak tree. While there is much fulfillment to be found in self-expression, you must not neglect the importance of tradition and culture. Take time to reflect on how you have been influenced by your upbringing.

Here are a few Leo celebrities born on August 2 and their past or present romantic connections:

Sam Worthington (Leo) and Maeve Dermody (Capricorn)
Mary-Louise Parker (Leo) and Billy Crudup (Cancer)

August 2 is associated with Birthday Number 1
August 2 is associated with Tarot Card 6 of Wands