Learn about April 7 Horoscope Famous: Discover the most famous with April 7 Horoscope and Birthdays & Numerology, Astrology from Famous Day.

April 7 Horoscope

Being an Aries born on April 7th, your personality is characterized by creativity, ambition and vigor. Your mind is one of your greatest assets, as you use it to display creativity and charm at any given moment. This quality has earned you many friends through life, but it is your ambition and vigor that most admire. If there is a goal you wish to achieve, you are more than willing to put in the work necessary to accomplish it. When paired with your creativity, your ambition makes success a real possibility in your future.

Fire is the paired element of the Aries and in fact, your sign has the only cardinal connection with the element of all the zodiac signs. Your special connection with fire gives your personality the self-starting qualities of a spontaneous flame. More so, it is fire's influence that can be credited with the sparks of leadership that you often witness. As you embrace fire's positive qualities, your inner passion will continue to burn with strength. Take care to avoid the impatience that most fire zodiac signs fall victim to and success will be within your grasp.

Your sign is under the planetary rule of Mars, but as you were born in the second Decan, or part, of the sign, you receive a helping of the Sun's planetary power as well. Being the planet of assertiveness, it is Mars that is responsible for your courageous, vigorous and action-oriented qualities. In the same light, it is the Sun, the planet of integration, that is linked to your individuality, creativity and vitality. More so than any of the other Aries Decans, your planetary influence makes you charismatic and original. People are often drawn to your youthful and playful personality. You use this to your advantage, as you love being the center of attention. While your determination allows you to have many accomplishments, the Sun's influence makes you a bit boastful at times. In love, find a partner that shares your fun-loving ways and helps you develop your humility to find fulfillment.

Your determination and leadership skills will give you the opportunity for success in numerous fields. Your drive may be perfect for the world of business or advertising, where you can take on an executive role. Similarly, your intellectual interests could lead you into law, science or education. Your imagination and creativity may be put to good use artistically, which was the case for director Francis Coppola, who was also born on April 7th. As you are quite comfortable in the spotlight, you may do well acting on stage or the screen, much like Russell Crowe, another of your celebrity birthday twins.

The Sabian Symbol for your birthday is two prim spinsters sitting together in silence. This symbol is a representation of inward withdrawal. If the pressures of outside life are too heavy, remember that you can overcome your frustrations. Look within to find poise and serenity.

Here are a few Aries celebrities born on April 7 and their past or present romantic connections:

Russell Crowe (Aries) and Meg Ryan (Scorpio)
Billie Holiday (Aries) and Orson Welles (Taurus)

April 7 is associated with Birthday Number 11
April 7 is associated with Tarot Card 3 of Wands