Learn about April 1 Horoscope Famous: Discover the most famous with April 1 Horoscope and Birthdays & Numerology, Astrology from Famous Day.

April 1 Horoscope

Being an Aries born on April 1st, your ambition and vigor are amongst your most defining qualities. In all matters of life, you are ambitious and hard working. This quality is reflected in your current success, but more so, is a testament to the levels of success that you wish to reach in the future. Those closest to you have witnessed your ability to motivate yourself and put in an endless amount of energy to reach your goals. You would be surprised as to how many admirers your hard work has earned you.

Your sign's paired element is fire and in fact, you have the only fundamental connection with the element of all the zodiac signs. Your special relationship with fire gives you the initiating and self-starting qualities of a spontaneous flame. Additionally, it is the influence of fire that can be credited with the burning passion that is so heavily intertwined with your being. As you embrace fire's positive qualities, your passion will burn with even greater fortitude. However, you should be weary of the impatience that plagues all fire zodiac signs.

Your planet is under the planetary rulership of Mars, but as you were born in the second Decan, or part, of the sign, the influence of the Sun also plays a key role in your personality. The power of Mars can be witnessed in your assertiveness, vigor and action, but it is the Sun that can be credited with your individuality, vitality and inspiration. More so than any of the other Aries Decans, your planetary influence makes you charismatic and creative. You use these attributes to display a playful attitude and gain many friends, which is perfect because you love being the center of attention. As long as you avoid your tendency to brag, your planetary influence will play a key role in your success. In love, find a partner that shares in your youthful energy, as this pairing will bring you the most satisfaction.

It is always difficult to settle on the right career, but luckily, you have abilities that will give you many employment options to explore. Your creativity could take you into a career of artistic expression, just as easily it could take you into fields such as graphic design or advertising. At the same, your ambition and leadership abilities would be well-suited for business, management or administration. If you are drawn to the world of entertainment, you do well in media or journalism, much like Rachel Maddow, who was also born on April 1st. If you are musically inclined, you may captivate audiences, much like Susan Boyle, another of your celebrity birthday twins.

The Sabian Symbol for your birthday is the ruler of a nation. This symbol suggests that in your life you may witness a centralization of power. If this is the case, do not fear integration. Through integration, power and collective order can be achieved.

Here are a few Aries celebrities born on April 1 and their past or present romantic connections:

Debbie Reynolds (Aries) and Eddie Fisher (Leo)
Jon Gosselin (Aries) and Kate Gosselin (Aries)

April 1 is associated with Birthday Number 5
April 1 is associated with Tarot Card 3 of Wands